We are in a van- eating Doritos and drinking Snapple iced tea.
There is plenty of silly humor and a diverse collection of music coming from the CD player.
This trip is to be a weekend away- and to find out more on the homelessness in NYC. We have "homework" from our supervisor...but we gals have our own agenda too.
I certainly do.
As we past the Statue of Liberty, I remember one of the gals commenting on how dirty NYC was- and I'm sure I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth.
We get to our hotel and prepare the weekend. As my coworkers are planning their night out for dinner and spirits...I'm paging through the phone book and my homeless directory trying to locate Homes for the Homeless. This agency was my ticket out of Pennsylvania. I would need to contact case managers from time to time when we would have a New York client come into our shelter. After chatting a few minutes with a case manager about the client(s)- I would slip in......so what's it like working for HH?
My plan is working. We enjoyed our weekend- we completed our homework and my backpack was full of useful employment information.
Sharing this news with some of my friends and finally my family- I could hear the yeah, yeah, yeah....or the REALLY? When are you leaving this time? I'm sure it was pretty obvious I was taking trips to meet friends (real friends this time) to scout out employment and housing. I was being selective- cautious. I was not about to place China Doll and myself into a situation that was not safe just to make this move.
Resumes were sent, phone calls were placed and I could feel this move coming. Like Florida, I could smell and taste NYC now. You really have to love that city to appreciate the scent that comes along with it. NYC would be a new canvas for us....one with opportunities. A new beginning full of diversity (a plus for my daughter), culture and arts.
Of course life continued as usual- I wasn't totally absorbed with my plans. Family events, vacation, pool time, school and holidays were very important to keep China Doll and myself in a healthy routine.
Shelter life was always busy. Sadly, homelessness doesn't take a break...a vacation.
To keep my life balanced I practiced yoga, read various books and meditated. It really didn't matter if my day was unbalanced or perfectly balanced- I meditated.
It was important for me to understand where yin and yang worked in my life.
Never once thinking of the importance of attending church-ever again.
It wasn't necessary. I didn't believe in God- I feared Him. It was easier for me not to even think about God.
He simply did not exist in my mind..............
Life Lesson: Collected 6 eggs
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