And I couldn't be happier, and more connected to a man.
Football Superstar and I married in June 2005 on a sunny beautiful afternoon on the pier in Fells Point. around the corner where Sleepless in Seattle was filmed -a favorite movie of mine We keep it simple- only our children. they wouldn't have had it any other way
Freckle Boy is best man and China Doll is maid of honor.
During our trip to the Baltimore courthouse in May to apply for our marriage license, we met and scheduled an ordained minister to marry us.
After having dinner at Timothy's by the water, we walked around Fells Point with our "wedding party" eating cannoli and ice cream. Shopping for toe rings, flip flops, t-shirts and henna tattoos. Our young witnesses would stay with family until we returned from our honeymoon.
Our honeymoon didn't take a lot of time or effort. For a wedding gift, we received a certificate for the Lightener Bed&Breakfast outside of Gettysburg. But did we want to go further? Egypt.....Canada.....a cruise.....an island? Placing names in a hat- we pulled out Road Trip! Our road trip took us places we discovered together and places we returned to during our "unmarried" time together. I'm so glad we took the road trip. The islands and foreign countries are not going anywhere.
Summer of 2005. The kids feel if it would not be for them and the dogs we would not be a family. Somewhat true.....but this also was their little plan for us to take them on a "family honeymoon".
We plan another beach trip. This time Topsail Island. pronounced Topsul. A few hours past OBX. House directly on the beach.....perfect weather.....good but bland seafood.....surf fishing....swimming....dog angels in the sand didn't I say that would never happen again
and photos to boot! And guess what....we graduated to a canvas style TRAVEL TURTLE!
Not long after we arrived home from our family honeymoon- all is back to normal. As normal as the norm is with family life. One evening my Football Superstar and I were sitting on our deck relaxing. Then he throws a fast ball question to me. "Do you feel the need to work?" What? "Well...yeah don't I need to?"
One thing we did not do as a non-married couple becoming a married couple was discuss a family plan. We knew what our goals were for the future....but we didn't discuss me not working.
Football Superstar became a partner in his real estate business. He had flex hours....like being your own boss....I worked a solid schedule with on call every 6 weeks.....never had to work weekends - unless it was an on call weekend and 911 was called to the shelter......but I did miss out on many of China Dolls in school activities.
So when he asked me do I need to work.....I didn't know how to respond. I've always worked.
I never had the opportunity to volunteer in China Dolls school....or attend field trips.
Is this a trick question? Do you want me to do more laundry? Clean more? Walk the dogs by myself? What's up with this question......nothing.....he opened up the window and I climbed in head first. Actually I jumped through the window.
I gave my 2 week notice and began a new career.
My new career felt right. I'll admit it did take some time to adjust to this new routine. I was so use to waking up at the crack of dawn to grab a shower, a pop tart or bagel and coffee making sure I was out of the garage no later than 7:15am. Now I woke up with the rooster, but calmly. No need to rush China Doll to the neighbor who walked her children and other neighbors children to the bus stop. Coffee in one hand and waving goodbye to China Doll every morning (and Freckle Boy every other week) .....I would waltz back into the townhouse where 2 barking dogs and 1 fat grumpy cat stood at the door to greet me. I would have breakfast with Football Superstar after he returned from his 5:00am racquetball game. I would attend yoga class in the morning and catch up with a friend for lunch. I rarely looked at the watch unless it was closing in for the school bus hour. I began to feel like June Cleaver....well, maybe not June, more like Lucy.
I was the "karate mom". no soccer players at my house
I was the loud momma cheering for Freckle Boys little league "Yankee" team.
Violin lessons for China Doll. Family meals. and they actually enjoyed my cooking
Life was good.
In this good life- there was never any "thought" of God. Football Superstar gave no reason for me to think about beginning to attend a church....you know, for the kids sake.
Why would we? I wasn't a believer. And my husband didn't discuss God- he wasn't sure what he believed. I would dodge questions from my family members when it came to going to church. I also dodged conversations regarding Jesus....God....the Holy Spirit.
Yet, we would attend holiday services at Football Superstars parents church- the very church he grew up in. I would just zone feeling very out of place
During unforeseen circumstances- my temper would flare. I would meditate with my incense lit- my face plastered to the floor. It worked but only for a short period of time. That old pain would surface again....or the person who just irritated me would not go away from my mind.....far enough away for me to feel serenity. And it was back to the meditation mat.
Life Lesson: Should we begin to collect eggs - together?
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