Another Hallmark moment?
I remembered this "celebration" for educators.....so Apple Cheeks and I baked chocolate chip cookies and chocolate-cinnamon cookies for her teacher.
I know in the preschool field at times this career can be challenging.... but rewarding. Exhausting!
I have been working slowly on my VACDA certificate and my language arts class..... dreaming
of landing a job within the public school district which is a huge district in order to collect some extra perks. tuition reimbursement - health/medical insurance
It's Friday morning- I'm setting up my classroom. I take a good look around at all the adorable bright art work that clings to the four walls. Large daisies. "Rock Families". My little Picasso's. My little darlings who find it hysterical to attack me when my back is turned. My little darlings who can not wait for science and discovery or dramatic play. All this makes my day and makes me smile. But yet, I know my retirement will not be at The Academy.
Two hours into my day - one of my little darlings walks proudly to where I sat in the classroom with a box of cupcakes from Lola's. Lola's famous cupcakes will make a strict dieter drool!
This mother then says to me with a rather large smile .... "you have a thankless job, we appreciate you".
I felt appreciated. I felt the love. Every last delicious bite!
Happy Teachers Week to you!!
You are appreciated!!!
Happy Mother's Day to all my blogging friends!
Brenda, Lidj, Janette, Emily.....thank you for always making me smile! xoxo