Friday, May 7, 2010

So, I'm pregnant?!

This is where I lost some of my journaling days. But what I do have - I'll post for your enjoyment. JUST KIDDING!

I can't believe I'm pregnant. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined this happening. Especially at the ripe young age of 43.
I must give China Doll credit- it is she that guessed my "diagnoses" the morning of my doctor visit. As China Doll was walking out the door to catch her school bus....she turned to say goodbye and to teasingly say - "mommy I bet your pregnant!" Did she call the good doctor to give the heads up?

Football Superstar and I had plenty of doctor visits to get me up to date. We needed to meet the entire team of players (OBGYN) and have my first ultra sound. While meeting Ms. Deb, the midwife, we were able to hear the strong heartbeat of our baby. That memory will always bring tears to my eyes. What an awesome moment that was for us.
During my first ultra sound- the tech asked if we wanted to know the sex- we already decided yes on that question- and once again- China Doll hits the lotto. A Girl.
You could see her as clear as any photo- Baby Girl had her little hand over her face as if she was giving us a hint. Let me be please.
Freckle Boy was keeping his fingers crossed the ultra sound may have missed what he was hoping for- a baby brother. Ahh...sorry kiddo!

Baby Girls heart sounds good- my vital signs are good- great. We are to be leaving for Disney April 7th. Will I be able to fly? I better be. I can NOT and WILL NOT miss Disney World!
You can go any place without me, but not to Disney World. Well, maybe not just any place- but I am a huge DW kid at heart -it would break my heart not to go.
I get the okay to fly. No rides. Well, I'm told I can ride the monorail, the train and the refreshing water taxi with the seniors. If I can not go on rides then I will eat like there is no tomorrow as my husband and children enjoy those rides without me. I'll sit with the seniors and eat. But parents...I warn you....I will bowl your kids over to have my photo taken with any DW character!

During our Disney adventure I was beginning to actually look more - pregnant. The Orlando temperatures were somewhat higher than average for April, so my ankles turned into cankles by the end of our 8 days. Gracie loved that I developed cankles- she's goofy I know.
And it was during our 2nd day when Baby Girl decided to make her own Disney "appearance".
We returned to our New Orleans resort to grab bathing suits my moo-moo and head over to the water park. I flopped on the bed to wait for everyone else. Freckle Boy was sitting beside me watching my belly move in a wave motion. It was really wild looking. As Freckle Boy placed his hand on top of my belly- where his little sister was positioned- she gave him one of her own karate kicks. He enjoyed this so much that it caught on. Next thing China Doll was now sitting with us getting kicked. We eventually made it out of the resort to the water park, but I had to pry the kids off of my belly their baby sister by reminding them we are on a vacation- we had places to go- characters to see- food to eat!
That night- China Doll tried bribing Football Superstar to sleep over in her sleeping quarters so she could sleep with mommy and "hold" her baby sister during the night. I said no to that- China Doll kicks in her sleep.........I already had one daughter inside kicking me, I didn't want to be donkey kicked by a gymnast/karate kid!

Catching up again with more ultra sounds- and NST's. Maternal Fetal Medicine. Twice a week.
By the time June rolls around- I'm visiting three times a week. I'm getting to know the tech's and the doctor who performed each ultra sound. We would agree on wines, Italian foods, movies, vacation spots (Disney fan he was!!!) but most importantly- he is the one I trusted when I needed to have the dreaded of the dreaded test for me-> amniocenteses. Football Superstar and I met with the genetic counselor- giving my age a factor- we decided on the test.
We knew what ever the results. We were going to be parents again - we were having a beautiful baby.
Once during my visit with the team players. Doc #2 We chatted about how crazy this still is for us- seeing I was told that it would take "medical assistance" in order for me to conceive.
Dr. #2 blurted out- "she's a miracle baby- nothing else needs to be asked." What the heck does that mean? Oh, yeah....he's Catholic - I know him from my family church- I remember his son from basketball games- and Mass. What else was he going to say?
I'm the Virgin Mary and Football Superstar is Joseph. Instead of a donkey taking us into York each week- we drive with air conditioning our black Honda Pilot.
Why would this doctor say such a thing. A miracle? But the look on Football Superstars face told me a different story. Did he believe that?

Anyway- I'm shrugging that off- we need to interview contractors. Another bedroom is on the priority list for this old house!

Life Lesson: You should like Doctor #2



  1. I think it's so cute how Freckle Boy and China Doll loved to feel Baby Girl kick!

  2. Congratulations...How exciting!!! I had my special surprise at age 44...well that was just two days before my 45th birthday. It has been the most wonderful thing in the world to be a mother at this is just a blast. Every night I thank God that I was able to have this last one and enjoy life through his eyes. My kids ages run from 26 to 4!!!
    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy,
